Alice Walker is celebrated The colour purple will be adjusted again. Decades after Steven Spielberg’s 1985 adaptation received an award, a film is in the works inspired by the similarly acclaimed stage musical, which originally ran from 2005 to 2008 and then again from 2015 to 2017, will also be HER’s acting debut. see
HER was reportedly cast as the aspiring singer Squeak The Hollywood Reporter. The role was played by Rae Dawn Chong in the 1985 film and Krisha Marcano in the original Broadway run. Corey Hawkins was also recently added to the cast, shared in news by meetingalthough his role has not yet been announced.
The plan is to be direct Black is king Co-director Blitz Bazawule, while Oprah Winfrey, whose portrayal of Sofia in the Spielberg film earned her an Oscar nomination, was signed as producer. However, it will be a while before this film musical hits theaters as the release date is currently set for December 20th, 2023. In the meantime, keep scrolling to find out more about the. to experience Color Purple poured so far.